Sunday, August 14, 2011


I heard a powerful message recently entitled "Average is Over" by Maurice Johnson Ministries. This topic is centered around the idea that the word "average" exists solely because of sin. That an average lifestyle is not of God so clearly should not be of HIS people...

One great point of the many great points made in the sermon was, "Average is over when you complete the things you have started". Talk about conviction! I haven't felt convicted like that in a long time.  I have so many projects I've started that I haven't finished including multiple posts for this very blog I'm writing in today.

There is a verse that says a thing's end is better than it's beginning ~Ecclesiastes 7:8~

For some of us there may be the end of a...
  • project we have started that will be better than its beginning.
  • struggle we are going through that will better than its beginning.
  • battle we are fighting that is better than its beginning.
  • storm we are weathering that is better than it's beginning.
  • word we have given to another that is better than it's beginning.
  • etc...

The real question is...
  • Are we diligently working on our project?
  • Are we seeking true deliverance from our struggle?
  • Are we wholeheartedly fighting our battle?
  • Are we making valid efforts to weather our storm?
  • Are we keeping the word that we give to God and to HIS people?
  • etc...

If our trust and our faith is in HIM, we can answer all these questions with an ABOVE AVERAGE lifestyle and we will
  • Finish our projects.
  • Overcome our struggles.
  • Complete our battles.
  • Make it through our storms successfully.
  • Keep the word we give to others.
  • etc...

Remember Paul never talks about winning the race, he only stresses "completing it"... "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" IITimothy 4:7

As we complete the things we start, we will see HIS WORD proves true (Proverbs 30:5) when we experience that our ends are better than our beginnings.

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