Monday, December 27, 2010

"I am" because "HE is"

On the highest, coldest mountain top, I am warm
On the loneliest road, I am accompanied
In my saddest moments, I am comforted
On the rainiest day, I am dry
When my enemies attack, I am protected
After I'm broken down, I am restored
When danger is all around me, I find refuge
While others are lacking, my needs are fulfilled 
HE is my warmth
HE is my company
HE is my comforter
HE is my umbrella
HE is my protector
HE is my restorer
HE is my refuge
HE is all I need
HE is my God
and HE sustains me
"I am" because "HE is"


  1. Good stuff! I really like this one!

  2. "I am" because "He is" Love it! That's the God we serve. Nice work Viv :)

  3. Thanks Ariana! For the compliment and for joining!!
