Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Not Without my Earrings?!?!

One day a couple weeks ago, I woke up, got ready for work and started out to what seemed to be a "fine day".  Work was going good, or so I thought... When I got my first break for the day, I followed my daily routine and took the opportunity to use the restroom. As I stepped into the restroom, turned on the light, and looked into the mirror; my heart SUNK! I realized I FORGOT TO PUT ON EARRINGS which almost never happens!! If you're like me, forgetting earrings makes you feel naked!! I'm sure some ladies out there can relate. Earrings can help to make or break your hairstyle/wardrobe!!! I looked so weird to myself and in result, I felt incomplete and disappointed that I would have to make it through the rest of the day with NAKED EARS.  Then I quickly checked my wrist and fingers and my day got even WORSE because I saw that I forgot to put on my watch and my rings as well.  So I had to make it through the rest of the day with not only NAKED EARS, but also with a NAKED WRIST and NAKED FINGERS!!!

But then something hit me... Something that made me feel so ashamed!! As I was beating myself up for neglecting my ears, wrist, and fingers; I realized I hadn't prayed, read my word, or even acknowledged the presence of God AT ALL that day.  I neglected HIM!! How HORRIBLE IS THAT?!  That whether I want to face it or be in denial, MY UGLY TRUTH is that if I didn't forget my earrings, I would have went through my day with no worries and the fact that I didn't spend time with the Lord would not have mattered or even been noticed as much as forgetting my earrings. 

As far as I've come in my walk, I am still only "fitting HIM in" when it's convenient.  Yep! Vivianne E. Creary, the woman that blogs about how important it is to put the Lord first... The woman that ministers through Spoken Word about the importance of giving God glory through your life is STILL STRUGGLING!!! STILL STRUGGLING to put Christ before my vanity, before my job, before my social life! I immediately was so disappointed in myself.  But instead of dwelling on my disappointment, I thanked God for the conviction I felt.  This insignificant situation became so significant. It helped me to check my priorities. 

Is there something you are putting before God?   Before you quickly answer "no", take the time to really think about it.  Replay your daily routine in your mind because THE MOST DANGEROUS THING IS DENIAL.  A lot of times we put the most silly things before HIM subconsciously!

I pray you receive this testimony with an open heart and that you allow it to minister to your spirit. 

"Seek ye first the kingdom of  God and HIS righteousness and all these things shall be added to you" Matthew 6:33

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT SIS! Conviction is the best word for it & it sure it good for us but not always wanted by us (like fiber lol). Thanks so much for sharing =)
