Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Turning Point

A new friend asked me yesterday how I came to know the Lord on a personal level.  I haven't been asked that question in a while and it was so nice to revisit that awesome life-changing moment so I decided to share it in my blog. Here it is...

I attended FAU and I had this job on campus. I was a work study student & another work study student who worked with me used to always, always, always invite me to this Bible Study she went to on campus. I would do ANYTHING to avoid her asking me about it!  My freshman and beginning of my sophomore year, I was really trying to explore the thrills of college life and that really didn't include anything that had to do with God, sadly. 

Anyway, the more I tried to enjoy the secular world, the more hurt and depressed I became. And one day, when I was really down (by this time my co-worker had gave up on me and stopped inviting me to Bible Study because I would always have an excuse) I actually approached her and told her I was coming. I finally got to a place where I knew no one and nothing could help me but HIM. The speaker that night actually called me out. He asked me to come up to the front for a special prayer because the Lord revealed to him that I was going through something. The first thing he asked me was if I was saved. I told him I really didn't know any more and that I wanted to rededicate my life to be sure. I rededicated my life and the minister said a special prayer over me.  That night was an awesome turning point for me. I thank God for it!

I soon joined the Bible Study by Catch the Fire Ministries.  I will always be thankful to God for using that ministry as a tool that really helped & encouraged me to to stay connected to HIM throughout the rest of my college experience.

Here is Sashanna Davis-Francis, my co-worker who led me to the Bible Study that changed my life! 

Here she is with her handsome son, Joel.

II Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, she is a new creature. The old has passed away and all things have become new.


  1. SashannaDavis-FrancisJuly 5, 2011 at 2:07 PM

    Awwwwwwwww Vivi- This is beautiful...FYI- I never gave up on you; always in my prayers. This is what it's all about SPREADING THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST! Love you! Keep being available for the Lord to use you.

  2. Thank you Sashanna!!! You mean so much to me!! Love you!!
