Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Turning Point

A new friend asked me yesterday how I came to know the Lord on a personal level.  I haven't been asked that question in a while and it was so nice to revisit that awesome life-changing moment so I decided to share it in my blog. Here it is...

I attended FAU and I had this job on campus. I was a work study student & another work study student who worked with me used to always, always, always invite me to this Bible Study she went to on campus. I would do ANYTHING to avoid her asking me about it!  My freshman and beginning of my sophomore year, I was really trying to explore the thrills of college life and that really didn't include anything that had to do with God, sadly. 

Anyway, the more I tried to enjoy the secular world, the more hurt and depressed I became. And one day, when I was really down (by this time my co-worker had gave up on me and stopped inviting me to Bible Study because I would always have an excuse) I actually approached her and told her I was coming. I finally got to a place where I knew no one and nothing could help me but HIM. The speaker that night actually called me out. He asked me to come up to the front for a special prayer because the Lord revealed to him that I was going through something. The first thing he asked me was if I was saved. I told him I really didn't know any more and that I wanted to rededicate my life to be sure. I rededicated my life and the minister said a special prayer over me.  That night was an awesome turning point for me. I thank God for it!

I soon joined the Bible Study by Catch the Fire Ministries.  I will always be thankful to God for using that ministry as a tool that really helped & encouraged me to to stay connected to HIM throughout the rest of my college experience.

Here is Sashanna Davis-Francis, my co-worker who led me to the Bible Study that changed my life! 

Here she is with her handsome son, Joel.

II Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, she is a new creature. The old has passed away and all things have become new.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Safety Net First

Acrobats set up their safety net FIRST and then they begin their act. That way, if there is an accident, they're covered. They can fall into the net and easily jump out the net and right back into the act.

Acrobats don’t just rush into their performance without taking the necessary safety precautions.  If they don't take these precautions, when they do fall; they will hit the ground and shatter into pieces.  They can’t set up a safety net after the fact trying to scoop their “jacked up selves” into the net that should have been there before hand. However; if this is the case and an awful accident severely injures the performer but doesn’t kill them, there is still hope.  The paramedics come with the stretcher & all the other necessary equipment and hauls them off to the hospital.  With time and care, they can recover and rebuild. BUT IT TAKES TIME.  Can this acrobat jump back into the act like the one who falls into the safety net??? NO!!  It’s impossible!  They need time to heal, time to repair, and time to learn acrobatics all over again.

Notice, when you go to the circus, the whole acrobat set up doesn’t just appear like magic. It takes a little time for them to set up. This part of the program is not so appealing because it takes time away from the show and the audience has to be patient, however; it is necessary.

Here is the point I’m making…

In order to build something that HE will honor, that HE will protect and that HE will allow to last, you have to TAKE TIME to build it on HIS WORD. HE has to be your firm foundation. HE has to be your safety net. And it’s going to take time away from your own show… Your flesh NEVER, NEVER, NEVER wants to take the time to build anything on HIM. Your flesh is impatient, it’s emotional and it just wants to jump right into the act… But this is not the way HE operates.  You have to seek HIM. You don't even have to try to figure out HIS will, you just have to seek HIM, honor HIM and allow HIM to guide you.  This way, when you do fall, you fall on HIM and HE takes care of you.  Or would you rather bypass building on HIM, fall and shatter into pieces and then runt to HIM in desperation having to start all over from scratch?  And remember, that's only if you survive the fall in the first place... Something to think about.

2 Timothy 2:19
Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his” 

****This was inspired by my viewing of  Cirque Du Soleil.  It's amazing how God can use just about anything to speak to you. It is an awesome show. Please go & see if you get the opportunity...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Purpose vs. Ministry

I believe we all have the same common purpose
To bring God glory through our lives
by serving HIM
by leading souls into HIS kingdom 
whatever ministry HE has blessed us with  

I think a lot of us are busy trying to figure out our "purpose"
When really we should be trying to figure out our "ministry"
We should be trying to figure out what avenue 
HE needs us as individuals to take in order fulfill our common purpose;

You're ministry is something God will confirm to you 
I believe it's something that your life experiences will prepare you for 
There has to be REAL/RAW testimony behind your ministry
There has to be an "I" in your ministry, not just a "you" 
How can you lead others to Christ without a testimony?

Exodous 9:16 But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you MY power and that MY name might be proclaimed in all the earth... what ministry is fitting to help you accomplish this?

Here I am below fulfilling my purpose through my ministry, Spoken Word. 


Saturday, May 7, 2011

For Each Thorn Comes a Petal

The meaning of the word thorn is "source of continual irration or suffering/sharp spine on a stem".

Thorns come to distract and destroy
To torture
To take focus off the plans of God in your life

I wanted a specific thing so desperately
And when I finally got it,
At first, it looked and appeared so good
But because I accepted it in vain, 
Without seeking if that was exactly what HE wanted for me,
It ended up being a THORN
A sharp spine that caused irratioan and suffering

On the up side,
I thank God  for taking that thorn
And turning it into something good and pleasing to HIM
However; before things got better, they got worse
Out of that one thorn came many
A thorn of humiliation
A thorn of rejection
A thorn of abandonment
A thorn of depression
But as we know, at the top of a stem full of ugly, peircing thorns;
Is a beautiful rose
And for each thorn, a petal of that beautiful rose made up for it
A petal of joy
A petal of deliverance
A petal of restoration
A petal of renewed strength in God
I thank my God for turning my throrns into petals

Proverbs 15:19 The way of the sluggard is overgrown with thorns [it pricks, lacerates, and entangles him], but the way of the righteous is plain and raised like a highway.