Thorns come to distract and destroy
To torture
To take focus off the plans of God in your life
I wanted a specific thing so desperately
And when I finally got it,
At first, it looked and appeared so good
But because I accepted it in vain,
Without seeking if that was exactly what HE wanted for me,
It ended up being a THORN
A sharp spine that caused irratioan and suffering
On the up side,
I thank God for taking that thorn
And turning it into something good and pleasing to HIM
However; before things got better, they got worse
Out of that one thorn came many
A thorn of humiliation
A thorn of rejection
A thorn of abandonment
A thorn of depression
But as we know, at the top of a stem full of ugly, peircing thorns;
Is a beautiful rose
And for each thorn, a petal of that beautiful rose made up for it
A petal of joy
A petal of deliverance
A petal of restoration
A petal of renewed strength in God
I thank my God for turning my throrns into petals
Proverbs 15:19 The way of the sluggard is overgrown with thorns [it pricks, lacerates, and entangles him], but the way of the righteous is plain and raised like a highway.
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